Steven Williams to Give Leadership Presentation on Cybersecurity in a Post-AI World to Protexxa

Steven Williams, the Principal Consultant of Data Privacy and Management Advisory Services (DPMAS), is set to deliver a leadership presentation to Protexxa, a leading B2B SaaS cybersecurity platform, on November 14, 2023. The talk aims to explore the evolving landscape of cybersecurity in a world increasingly influenced by Artificial Intelligence.

Protexxa, which leverages AI to identify, evaluate, predict, and resolve cybersecurity issues, represents a milestone partnership between Barbados and Canada. This alliance is set to provide cybersecurity jobs to more than 1,500 Barbadians, further underscoring the importance of understanding and navigating the complexities of cybersecurity and data privacy in today’s digital age.

Mr. Williams’ presentation will delve into the intricacies of two key legal frameworks that impact cybersecurity: the Budapest Convention on Cybercrime and the UK’s General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR). By highlighting their similarities and differences, Mr. Williams aims to offer Protexxa and its team a comprehensive understanding of these critical legal landscapes.

“This presentation is not just about compliance but also about leadership in a post-AI world. Understanding these legal frameworks is essential for any firm operating in the international arena, and it’s a privilege to share this knowledge with an innovative company like Protexxa,” said Steven Williams.

This speaking engagement is yet another example of DPMAS’s commitment to fostering a culture of cybersecurity awareness and legal compliance, both locally in Barbados and on an international scale.