Our Solutions have been carefully thought out to fit your needs!

Why Choose FinGuard by DPMAS

With FinGuard, you can focus on core financial operations while we take care of your cybersecurity and data privacy needs. Secure your data, maintain compliance, and build customer trust with the comprehensive protection offered by FinGuard.

FinGuard: Fortifying the Financial Frontier of Data and Security

In the high-stakes world of financial services, data is the most valuable asset—and the most targeted. FinGuard by DPMAS is engineered to meet the complex challenges of financial data security, from regulatory compliance to advanced cyber threat mitigation.

Navigating the Financial Cyber Terrain: Your Challenges, Our Strategy

Financial institutions manage vast amounts of sensitive data, from personal financial information to market intelligence. The challenges are multifaceted:

  • Regulatory Compliance (FSC, GDPR, Barbados Data Protection Act)
  • Securing Transaction Data
  • Mitigating Cybersecurity Risks
  • Protecting Against Financial Malware and Fraud
  • What FinGuard Offers

Financial Regulation Compliance Audits

Stay ahead of the compliance curve with comprehensive audits designed to align with stringent financial regulations.

Transaction Data Privacy Impact Assessments

Identify and address vulnerabilities in your transactional data processes, ensuring both security and compliance.

Advanced Threat Intelligence & Hunting Focused on Financial Malware

Proactively identify and neutralize threats designed to target financial institutions.

Outsourced CISO Services with Expertise in Financial Regulations

Benefit from high-level security oversight tailored to the unique regulatory landscape of the financial sector.